The story how I got 200 followers on Twitter in one weekend
Let me tell you a story. I was 13 and one classmate at that time had twitter as well with 100 followers. Huge deal for her. Me, as stupide as I was and am, wanted to see wether I'm abel to get more people to like me. I was naive that you can get big very fast, because I never used social media. It is important that you have in mind that Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone where quiet populare at that time as I realized. Well, just keep that in mind for later. **I'm feeling like these gosiping Youtubers** So, on a Saturday, I registrated on twitter. Twitter was not the same as it is today. It started very well. I followed someone. They followed back. Me, a very intelligent men, had the idea to go for these people who had more following then followers. So I did follow them. Surprise they did follow back. 30+. The bad thing about that idea or you can call it strategy was, that there were some hardcore Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone fans amonge my followers. **gasp**...