
Showing posts from April, 2017

Why I want to be better then others - and why you should too

There was a time. No, not ten years ago. More like five years. Then, I often compared  myself to another boy. Not the looking. No, neither the behaviour. I was more interested in his marks. Yes. I always, till today, want to be better then him. In any point. Well, not in every. For excemple I don't care if he is doing better in sport then me or wether he is able to drink more alcohol then me. I just cared in the important subjects. I'm very ambitious and I weirdly don't feel like it. For excemple I often think that I wasn't very prdouctif, but in reality I did so much. I'm not used to do one thing in particular and then go to the other task (just if it isn't a big work). I do everything in small bits. Here are five statements: You are spurred to learn and to get a better mark then your rival I don't know how you are as a person, but if you are willing to be better then someone else, you are going to get better marks. Better is relative. I don...

The coolest T-Shirts for Summer 2017

My favorites You read the Title. Here are my favorite 10 T-Shirts for this summer. If you are curious you can go to the online store of these brands and look for other T-Shirst. Enjoy and leave me a comment or follow me on my social media sites. The Link to the pages are below the pictures, if you are interested to buy one or all of them. Commonculture This T-Shirt is designed by a famous Youtuber called  Connor Franta. The colour and the embroidery are so trendy. I like it a lot and would be very happy to buy one. Sadly it is sold out at the moment. That means that many young people want one of them. Trust me you are good to go with this Tee. East Coast Lifestyle East Coast Lifestyle is not for everyone. If you don't like the anchor symbol it is just not for you. But still, the tee's are awesome. This is just one excemple, they have much more. The shipping is free if you buy for 150 $. Have a look. Mango I didn't know that Mango makes clothe...


Looking back at the past I was doing some stuff, I don't even know what I was doing, when I just thought of Macklemore and his songs. It was a thought and I just searched for it. That often happens. My brain reminds me of the good old time. Are this things even good to be remebered? Yes definetily. I'm actually listening to a song. ( Downtown ). As intelligent and curious as I was, I found his songs on an app and downloaded them. Nice songs which I hadn't hear befor. I really like them as I did before when I was a child. I'm still a child tho. Two days later in the school library I opened Youtube on a computer and I found the old videos and they reminded me of my past. Past. It is so weird to say, because they werejust  published two years ago. But in a way 2 years are long. For me past is the time were my grand-parents were young. Do you also find it odd that time is passing by so fast. This year is almost over. For excemple, I already know that my summer holidays ...

Why I want to have children

Want to be a husband, father, best friend, ... I have a big family. Like a lot of cousins and aunts and oncles. That means we are many children and we are from little used to stay together as a family. Family is the right thing and if you have one (wife/husband and children) you will be happy. I don't think about that in that way. You have to know that I'm the older brother. So I'm used to be in charge of the small boys and girls of my family. Trust me there are so many children. So if they went somewhere, where they couldn't take their children with them, they usually brought them to me and I was a babysitter for a day. A male babysitter. Sadly not that common, because they think we are bad with kids, It could not get wors then just a death. SO chill. But I thinkt, that we are often very responsible and good to kids. Really, I mean that. I agree that you are going to be happy when you have kids, You have your son or daughter who you love and teach and see growing. ...

You just don't do that

THE COMMENT So on Tuesday we had english class. Not the worst lesson. To be honest it was quiet interesting. We were listening to podcast. Here is one podcast which I personally like a lot. It is presented by Grace Helbig and it is called Not to deep. But that is not what this post is about. We are talking about how to behave when someone is ill. So I was ill and I'm still ill. Sadly. I had problems with my lungs from October till the middle of February. Then I was fit again and I tried to stay healthy. But somehow I got ill again. I know I'm an Idiot. It is annoying, but I deal with it. I have to. So these weeks I was often coughing and sneezing. And I did this not on purpose, obviously. I just had to clean my throat and my nose. And that sounded disgusting. I'm sorry . I sneezed almost once every hour. I had to cough +/- every 10 minutes. I know that is not "cool" to be sick. I admit it wasn't hard to take medicines and to know that I'm disturbing t...