Why I want to be better then others - and why you should too

There was a time. No, not ten years ago. More like five years. Then, I often compared myself to another boy. Not the looking. No, neither the behaviour. I was more interested in his marks. Yes. I always, till today, want to be better then him. In any point. Well, not in every. For excemple I don't care if he is doing better in sport then me or wether he is able to drink more alcohol then me. I just cared in the important subjects. I'm very ambitious and I weirdly don't feel like it. For excemple I often think that I wasn't very prdouctif, but in reality I did so much. I'm not used to do one thing in particular and then go to the other task (just if it isn't a big work). I do everything in small bits. Here are five statements: You are spurred to learn and to get a better mark then your rival I don't know how you are as a person, but if you are willing to be better then someone else, you are going to get better marks. Better is relative. I don...