
Showing posts from November, 2016

Is it right to say a men is better then a women?

Fe / Male - The art to a better future Damn I have read so many quotes of male celebreties saying that they are feminist. I'm a feminist and I think that this charisma will help me be better then others. I can understand and can hadle better. Story My oncle which I really don't like and know is like this trytobecoolguy* . He lives as, I see it, in an other world. I only understand him sometimes. He is this kind of man, who talks about uninteresting thins to much and to loudly. He wants to be cool and he behaves like it. Sadly, I have to deal with it, when he is close by. Once He, my brother and me were sitting in the same car and then he started making a lot of jokes about me and my behavior. I don't know if you've realized, I'm not a normal guy (I don't see myself as normal ( to be Normal sucks )). I don't like football, to talk in a group of "real men" or to go work in hard jobs (like this muscel-training stuff). I think that my oncle see...

What is going up with you?

The feelings when you're like me What I've learned in the few years I'm alive is that I don't like to talk about my thoughts or my problems or my fears or my ideas. I just swallow them down and when they are realy realy good I spit them out. This is what I'll do today. I spit at you. Many questions, few answers I've got sometimes this feeling that I could do whatever I want in a special situation but in the end the result just sucks. I'm not satisfyed with it because I spent so much time and thoughts on it so I want to see perfection. Like if I'm learning for a test because I want a good mark and if I receive the test back and it isn't in area it should have been. I'm just sad and dissappointed. Am I to dumb? Thats a question which comes into my minde so often. I often answer it with "yes" but sometime with "No, you are very intelligent. You have achieved so much." Is this enough? Can I even do more? I would like to d...

The person who you don't like and who might help you

Solve a problem and prepare for the life I read through some sites so that I can find a solution on how to deal with a boy in my class. It is happening for other people too I think and we all have to deal with that and even benefit from it. How to get alonge with them/him/her You have to accept that they exist. They are humans like you. But probably not that good or not the same kind as you (that would be weird). You have different kind of values so yo don't like the same think and you don't often don't have the same opinion. Next is, that you shouldn't never ever ignore them, bear with them, because they have different points of view or they are the kind who bring you to the real life or give you something to think about and to do better. It gives you chance to get better and to find solutions in. Use them. At this point you have to accept that you/we all aren't perfect.  We have corners and edges. . But yet there are still some people who tolerate you. ...

Don't lump the Trump

Nevermind - for real The White poor signature have decided. Sadly just "with the heart not with the brain"*. My Imprassion I was shocked. Depressed. Sad. Lost. I thought it wouldn't happen, He had achieved enough and couldn't get forther. I was wrong. So so wrong. An anger for the supporters who blame and boo's everyone. They arent real humans. They just aren't. They have the corps and the gift to think and to work to do all this great stuff, but can't use it, they are dumb. Are so naiv, that someone who insults, assaults, who is a racist, who gets out of controle to fast, who is aswell a deceiver, is right to be the most powerful man? No, he is so wrong. Didn't deserve this all. The fight has ended and now we all have to deal with it. Some might cry. Some might be happy. And others will deal with it in the best way they can. He has won just because they are angry of the Establishment. So many stars helped Hillary, they were for Hillary. F...

Tomorrow is the day

I'm with her  Yeah you right, I could have written earlier about this, but I want to do it now. The 08.11.2016 is the election day and it's quiet important for the USA. Not jst for the USA, for the whole world. What do I like about Hillary She is the one who learns for the small test. She is prepared. She wants to be perfect I guess. She wants to solve problems and not just talk. She has experience. A lote of experience. Where you could see, that she was prepared was: Vox video:  I'm of the opinion, tha she deserves it. She did so much and has so much knowledge. Yea she probably isn't perfect, but who is perfect? She didn't do anything wrong and is hated for nothing. The problem is, that Hillary is working so long for the USA and now the people have problems with the state. And now Hillary Clinton is the scapegoat. Somthing else whats good about Hillary, is that she is more likeable. I know that she g...

What will you do next year?

Goals, read, write, learn? To sit down and write thinks down, which you want to achieve next year is helping a lot of people (me aswell) to coordinate there year/life. I will tell you about my perspektive. There are also many things that are in my mind and which I recently do much often. I'm already sorry but I'll talk about that To know what you want You have to decide what you really want to do. What is important for you? What is the biggest thing for you to achieve? Give yourself some time and think about this. To make a goal list it is important to write a proper list. Don't write to much, don't write to less. I saw a Video of TheGabbieShow which inspired me almoste a year ago to set a goallist here is the link: You can buy your own little booklet where you write your goal list. For Excemple 1-10. Then you go and start working on them. One thing after the other you propably have mor then 1 year time to do it. T...